Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Conceptual Framework for Supply Chain Management

A conceptual framework for supply chain management: a structural integration The Authors Premaratne Samaranayake, School of Management, College of Law and Business, University of Western Sydney, Penrith South DC, Australia Acknowledgements The author wishes to acknowledge the financial support granted by the University of Western Sydney through the Seed Grant Scheme for this research project. The author would also like to thank Barbara Miller and Les Mahoney for proof reading. Abstract Purpose – The main purpose of this paper is to document the research on development of a conceptual framework for the supply chain. The aims of the research were to develop an integrated framework, and to provide a methodology for planning of many†¦show more content†¦The SCM literature confirms the view that integration of various components involved in a supply chain, should be carried out, so that integration provides visibility, flexibility and maintainability of components involved at the structural level. The implementation and maintenance of supply chain could be made simple for small to medium size enterprises (SMEs) (Samaranayake, 2002a). A typical supply chain comprises SMEs (Lamming et al., 2000). SMEs could benefit from a supply chain model, when implemented with minimal changes to the existing business processes. Lamming et al. (2000) argue that such a model requires a framework integrating all the components using component relationships at an operational level. As such, there is a need for a framework in SCM as a foundation for development of model(s) of industry applications. This paper describes the development of an integrated framework for SCM, and contributes to knowledge of potential improvements and developments in business processes. The framework becomes a foundation for model developments in many industry applications, using individual networks. The paper is structured as follows. First, the supply chain processes and systems are introduced followed by an overview of the unitary structuring technique. Concepts and basis of the supply chain framework are considered next. These include: * components and their relationships; * functionality assigned to components andShow MoreRelatedEssay On Supply Chain Management1427 Words   |  6 Pages CLOUD COMPUTING BASED SUPPLY CHAIN ABSTRACT Cloud computing can give the ability of flexibly outsourcing software for supply chain management collaboration and its infrastructure. 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