Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Differences Between Black Americans And White Americans

There has never been two men who fought for the same cause yet had two completely different views such as Martian Luther King and Robert Williams. These two men strived to bring equality to Black Americans. King believed in peaceful protest that made lawmakers and legislation realize that there was an issue that needed and had to be addressed in order to bring about social equality. Williams on the other had believed that a personal war was the only way to â€Å"fix† the issues between Black Americans and White Americans. Martian Luther King Jr. was born and raised in Atlanta to a Baptist church going family. King’s father was an intimidating man who was quoted for saying that he â€Å"would make something out of [Martian] even if he had to beat him to death† while â€Å"whooping† King one day as a child. But still King was inspired by his father’s challenging nature towards others ignorance. For example King tells about when he was a boy his fathe r and him were pulled over and the police officer referred to King Sr. as â€Å"boy†. So King Sr. pointed to Martian and snapped, â€Å"that is a boy, I am a man.† King remembered every time someone referred or called him a â€Å"nigger† and watched how poorly his fellow Black American was treated as second-class citizens. As King grew older he joined the church as a preacher. King went on to study many types of people and ideas ranging from Marxism to forms of Christianity to Gandhi. King had a unique ability to â€Å"absorb and synthesis the concepts of greatShow MoreRelatedThomas Jefferson And Emancipation Reform1382 Words   |  6 Pagessociety of freedom, but it didn’t apply to everyone in the new founded union. Thomas Jefferson viewed the African American slaves as a lesser people; they were physically and mentally inferior in comparison to all white Americans. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Ways Of Reducing Unemployment During The United States

Ways to Reduce Unemployment Introduction With a unemployment rate of 5% and a population of about 326,079,646 people in the United States, there can be 163,039,823 people in the United states that are unemployed at a time There are many things that the United States government can do to reduce Unemployment. In order to reduce unemployment rate, the U.S. government should reduce minimum wage so that employers will have more money to pay for more workers, increase the number of long term construction jobs, and decrease the number of people that are outsourced from other countries. Some might argue that taking these actions could cause could cause poverty, increase death rates, and effect other country’s economies. Reducing the amount of jobs outsourced to other countries will cause product prices to skyrocket because labor in America is more expensive compared to other countries like china. Production prices in china a lot cheaper because of an overall cheaper labor cost because of less restriction on safety and health in factories. Production cost in china can cost about 96 cents compared to the U.S. with a production cost of $1.00, this may not seem like much but large companies can place orders to manufactures for millions of units at a time, meaning that 4 cents can decrease the company’s profits.(Bloomberg) China’s production cost are dramatically lower because of less strict regulations, but also because of a larger population that all need to be employed. If we were toShow MoreRelatedThe European Crisis Of Greece, Spain, And The United States1587 Words   |  7 Pagescrisis created unstable economic and social situations in many countries. The Eurozone crisis negatively affects Greece, Spain, and the United States. First, the European Union crisis elicited a health crisis in Greece. Second, the European Union crisis caused unemployment and stress in Spain. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Steam Whistle Brewery

Question: Discuss about theSteam Whistle Brewery. Answer: Introduction Steam Whistle Brewery is a famous company located in Roundhouse Park, Toronto. Physically, the company covers an area of about 42,000 square feet and employs 138 people across the country including the part-time and full-time staff (University of Toronto, 2009). The company has three office spaces including administration and marketing, events, and the distribution section. In most cases, the companys production and capping or bottling happens within site. The tour was possible because of the presence of the Event Managers, Jenifer Draper, who acted as a tour guide so that as a client it could be feasible to enjoy the tour and taste of the Good Beer Folks. Tour Guide Business Card The Good Beer Folks welcomes everyone including families and friends to have a taste of the brewery tour. Based on the tour guide business card, an individual can access information on how Canadas premium pilsner is manufactured, and also allows the tour t interact with friendly staff and enjoy the beer. With the tour, it becomes possible to learn why the designed as one of the Torontos green buildings and the history regarding the company. Therefore, the tour guide shows how the activity is entertaining and educative. Nonetheless, the obtained card provides the procedure involved in booking for the tour as the visitors would get the guided tour of the firm and bottle of steam. The tours are offered on Fridays, through to Sunday, and offered on a first-come-first-serve basis. Interestingly, the business guide showed that the company rarely allows booking in advance. The tours remain busy during these three days, and the event managers would recommend early arrival to ensure the visitor secure a spot on tour. The tour guide business card indicates that the visitor must make reservations 12 hours in advance, and the company recommends that the visitors should make the reservations between Monday and Thursday. For group inquiries or reservations, the company provides an email Since 9th August 2016, the customers enjoy a complimentary purchase or sample of pilsner. Conversely, the client needs to have proper ID. The visitors can also make inquiries through contacting the Retail Store any time after 1100hrs. Importantly, the company welcomes everybody of all abilities to enjoy the tour as the company has accommodated service animals and assisted devices. For the support staff, they can visit the brewery free of charge, but they must contact the Retail Store to make arrangements. The Beer Store remains open on all holidays excep t the New Years Day and Christmas Day. Main Product or Service Steam Whistle Brewery specializes in the production of Czech Style Pilsner that it distributes to various restaurants, liquor and beer stores, and bars in Ontario, Alberta, and BC. Similarly, the company hosts many events at the facility thus acting as a secondary business and use the opportunity to sell Steam Whistle merchandise on the firms website. The company has also established a retail store within the facility to sell its products (Kendra, 2016). The company targets the working class with a stable income. These targeted customers are notably in their mid-40s and 50s. However, to maintain and expand its market share, Steam Whistle Brewery targets all customers above the legal age worldwide. The company offers a sample of award-winning different unique event spaces that can comfortably accommodate groups of up to 70 people. With the help of the onsite events teams, the company can provide the visitors with relevant details regarding the function. The Roundhouse remains an architectural gem having large multi-paned windows, exposed red bricks, hand-hewn supporting pillars, and 30-foot ceiling (The Good Beer Folks, 2014). The atmosphere is very social and inviting thus makes it an amazing venue where clients can host events. Indeed, the company has been home to weddings, art shows and auctions, book readings, media launches, concerts, charity, corporate parties, and fundraisers. In hosting such events at the company, it is important to contact the event team through In conclusion, the company has the best manufacturing and scheduling techniques that would meet the expectations of the visitors. Through the machine-based manufacturing processes and quality control strategies, it has become possible to serve the interests of the targeted clients. Steam Whistle Brewery uses a proactive maintenance policy by undertaking regular maintenance procedures using equipment. The proper maintenance practices have ensured the plant remains productive, efficient, and profitable. Nevertheless, the company also conducts an annual plant shutdown for at least two weeks so that its engineers and technicians, in particular from Europe to overhaul and replace obsolete parts of the firm. These activities rarely affect the tour practices because the demand to host unique events is high. References Kendra. (2016, Sept 21). Tasting for greatness. Retrieved from The Good Beer Folks. (2014, May 9). Food truck schedule at Steam Whistle Brewery. Retrieved from University of Toronto. (2009). Web strategy framework. Retrieved from